GhosTalk - Details

Start Popup

It's easiest to understand by trying it out so if you like just click the popup link. You will see that in the small popup every 11 seconds or so a number will appear. Those are the random numbers being chosen by your system. When the box is filled those numbers will be submitted to the server, processed and the cycle started again.

A default run is 10 scans and your hits are shown after each scan. After your run is complete you will see all of your Hits {words} and have the option to "cookie save" them.

A cookie save should be considered a convenient temporary way of storing your Hits.

In the default theme every time a Hit is found you will hear a tone.

All hits are preceded by a number which tells you how many times that word was chosen. I like to think of this as "emphasis" ... as in your entity really really wanted this word to show up.

The same word can show up in more than one scan ... again more emphasis for that word.

It is also possible for your spectral being to choose numbers so don't be alarmed if you see two numbers next to each other, the first is just the emphasis while the second is the number being communicated.